We couldn’t fit 4400 options on this list so we’ve stuck with 10!

4400 is the latest remake fresh from CW’s studios. If you’ve finished watching this one and are looking for alternatives – fret not! We’ve combed through the archives and saved you the hassle with our top 10 picks for alternate viewing. To keep things simple for skim-readers we’ve added what similarities these have. Of course for all the shows we’ve reviewed, we’ve also added a handy link so you can check out our full thoughts on that series and see if it’s something you want to invest your time with. So without further ado, we present 10 TV shows that should whet the appetite when you’ve finished streaming 4400.

The 4400

Similarities – The Original

The 4400 feels like a mash-up of various other sci-fi shows. There are clear influences of Lost, Flashforward and The X-Files here. However, the show nicely blends that together to form the core of this series – so it makes sense to put this one on the list. The story here revolves around the trials and tribulations of 4400 people, who all suddenly return in a ball of light to Earth. None of the returnees have aged physically, although mentally some of them definitely have. Tasked with investigating this phenomenon is the NTAC (National Threat Assessment Command) who try to work out why this has occurred. Smartly written and chock full of binge-worthy episodes, The 4400 is definitely worth a watch.


Similarities – Mystery & Tension

Flashforward was an unfortunate casualty of the Network TV cancellation Russian Roulette. In a post-LOST era, every TV show jumped on the mystery box bandwagon with varying degrees of success. Flashforward – despite its similarities to LOST’s opening – quickly stepped beyond that to deliver an addictive slice of sci-fi. The main premise here sees the entire world’s population black out for approximately 2 minutes and 17 seconds. The effect of this leads the entire world to catch a glimpse of life six months in the future. With the world changed forever, an elite FBI task force is formed to investigate just what happened – and why. As the episode progress, more of this mystery starts to unravel. Along the way, there are lots of big cliffhangers and shocking twists. It’s just too bad ABC killed this one after a single season. Despite its agonizing cliffhanger ending, this one’s still worth a watch.


Similarities – Characters & Mystery Box

Back in 2004, a tiny show called Lost went way over-budget with its pilot episode. The consequences of that saw several people fired. Little did they know this mishap would help grow Lost into a worldwide phenomenon that completely changed the way people watched TV. This highly engrossing, mystery series revolves around a group of plane-crash survivors washing up on shore and fighting for survival on a very weird island holding many, many secrets. Across 6 seasons the show does lose its way a little but it serves up an engrossing and unmissable journey nonetheless. If you haven’t seen it already, Lost is a must-watch show.

365: Repeat The Year

Similarities – Thriller & Puzzle Box Elements

356: Repeat the Year is a suspenseful thriller about a group of people resetting their lives for different reasons. Specifically, our story here follows 10 different individuals who reset their life by one year and relive their past. Only, unexpectedly mysterious situations begin to arise, with each of the characters seeing their fates changed and distorted in the process. At the forefront of this is Ji Hyung Joo, a detective in the violent crime division. When he figures out something is awry, he begins investigating this phenomena. Dripping in tension and full of clever twists, 365: Repeat The Year is a mystery box series with a really pacey story.

The Leftovers

Similarities – Mystery, Tone & Themes

If thematic depth is your jam, The Leftovers is definitely worth checking out. Running for three seasons, the story picks up just after a global event called the “Sudden Departure”. This inexplicable event sees the disappearance of 140 million people – or 2% of the world’s population to be precise. Following that, mainstream religions decline which paves way for a number of cults to emerge. The most notable among them is the Guilty Remnant. The story picks up from here and only grows more intriguing and interesting over time. To give much more away would be a disservice to the series but if you haven’t already, The Leftovers is a must-watch.


Similarities – Sci-Fi & Themes

On paper, Manifest’s premise is actually incredibly interesting. A plane takes off on a seemingly normal trip but when it touches down at its destination, 5 and a half years have passed for everyone else other than the passengers on-board, who haven’t aged a day. Why did this happen? Who or what caused it? Why this flight? And exactly what connects all these passengers together? Just to preface, you won’t get many answers here as this show remains dead-set on dragging out its mystery for as long as possible. Instead, Manifest is a soap-opera first and foremost, with sprinklings of sci-fi and mystery elements added to keep things interesting. With three seasons of mystery, with the third ramping up the action and drama considerably, there’s plenty to chew through. Although we weren’t sold on this one, fans of CW’S 4400 should love the melodrama and soapy elements. You can read our thoughts on Manifest in our full season reviews here!


Similarities – Sci-Fi & Themes

At first glance you’d be forgiven for writing off Travelers as another generic sci-fi show. After all, a collection of people coming together to try to stop the world from total annihilation is hardly the most original of ideas. Where Travelers stands out though, is the unique way it manages to weave its unique premise through a well written plot and believable, complex characters. The story takes place 100’s of years from now, as surviving humans discover how to send their consciousness back through time into people of the 21st century. Desperate to change the fateful path of humanity, Travelers combines mystery, action and tension to great effect. The show does well to conclude its three season run too with an epic finale that does just about enough to conclude this tale on a high. However, it also leaves the door open for a possible reboot further down the line. You can read our thoughts on Travelers in our full season reviews here!


Similarities – Character-Driven Drama

Blanketed in a layer of mud and grass, six unconnected people from different periods of history raise from their graves with no knowledge of who they are. With these six individuals displaced and unsure of who they are, Glitch centers on police office, James Hayes. One of the returned happens to be his deceased wife Kate, and together they try to piece together the ruinous fragments of their life. Glitch’s strength lies with its character-driven drama, which is excellent throughout. Each individual is given enough time to explore their past. Taking a glimpse into this is fascinating and intriguing, especially seeing the way each of the six meet their fate with death. Do be warned with this one though. While the first two seasons are pretty decent, the third season ends with a frustrating and unresolved cliffhanger. You can read our thoughts on Glitch in our full season review here!

The Returned

Similarities – Characters returning inexplicably

The Returned’s story gravitates around several people that come back to life years after their death. Reeling from this revelation, much of the series’ 10 episodes focus on the different groups of characters as they try to piece their life together Teenager Camille comes back to find her family fractured from the once happy life she knew. Simon returns to find his fiancé Rowan is now marrying someone else. And a silent little boy named Victor is found wandering the streets. A host of other characters join the fray too, and as the series progresses each find their stories intertwine and cross paths. The story is intriguing, the characters are relatable and there’s a good balance of mystery, drama and fantasy. The lack of a second season is a bit disappointing but there’s enough to enjoy here nonetheless. You can read our thoughts on The Returned in our full season review here!

The 100

Similarities – Fight For Survival & Character Angst

The 100 is set 97 years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization. A spaceship housing humanity’s lone survivors happens to be humanity’s last hope for survival. With that in mind, 100 juvenile delinquents are thrown back to Earth, crash landing in the hopes of re-populating the planet. There’s a teen-drama affair with this one, featuring plenty of relationship issues and a suitably campy tone through much of its run-time. This is definitely one worth sticking with though and after a relatively wobbly first season, The 100 starts to find itself a lot more. With 7 seasons to get through and lots of drama along the way, this one should keep you very busy. So there we have it, our 10 TV show alternatives to watch when you’re finished watching the remake of 4400 on The CW Network. What do you think of our picks? Do you agree? Are there any notable omissions? Let us know in the comments below!

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