Lydia Bennett is Hundo A Feminist

Episode 4 of Ginny & Georgia begins with Ginny claiming that men are visual creatures. This statement manifests itself through Hunter, who seems to be eying up his band-mate Padma. Ginny is obviously jealous and her prickliness is not helped by Hunter’s standoffish attitude with her after. While Ginny tries to kiss him, Hunter instead hands over Pride & Prejudice, a gift for her. Ginny tries to kiss her boyfriend but she’s constantly interrupted, causing her to become fed up. Meanwhile, the school holds a fundraiser which Georgia immediately jumps onboard with. She decides to spice things up though with her own idea of adding in a casino night instead. Paul agrees with Cynthia’s idea of a bake sale though, prompting Georgia to immediately feel annoyed. Back at the office, Paul calls Georgia into the office where Erica from HR happens to be. Paul brings up the credit card situation and questions why they’re in Austin’s name. Georgia lies and mentions Gil and how he’s in jail, blaming him and claiming that Gil used Austin’s social security number to open multiple credit cards. Only, that doesn’t really make any sense given you need a date of birth, name and a plethora of other details that a bank would check and recheck before approving and sending out a credit card. Ah well, the music seems to hint this is supposed to be a humorous moment so let’s suspend some disbelief for now! When HR leaves, Georgia decides to continue her web of manipulation and convinces Paul to follow through with her idea of a casino night. On the way back of this, Georgia heads home and learns from Ellen that someone has been snooping around her place, wanting to buy the property. Meanwhile, Ginny and all her friends discuss Hunter and how he hasn’t made a move yet. Ginny is determined to try and be more sexy and spice things up, taking pictures of herself without a top on to Hunter. Ginny immediately finds herself pacing back and forth in her room, waiting for a reply from Hunter that never arrives. However, she does catch a glimpse of Marcus from across the way. Anyway, Marcus messages and says hello, prompting Ginny to send it across to him as well. She even puts on some make-up and starts messaging Marcus with more intensity. He encourages her to touch herself which she does so….with her toothbrush. In the morning, Ginny receives a message back from Hunter apologizing as he crashed out the previous evening. Tellingly, he doesn’t say anything about her message or the picture. This continues to play on Ginny’s mind, as she continues to work part-time at the coffee bar. Max shows up though and begins bemoaning her own situation, keeping her mind off things. The casino night goes ahead and Georgia work the rounds, bagging money for herself while making sure drinks are topped up. There’s a pretty slick one-shot take here, following Georgia around as she finds out from Nick that they’ve only made 3k – less than the bake sale thanks to overhead costs. When Joe shows up, Georgia takes the initiative and grabs the mic, deciding to do a surprise auction. She puts Joe on the spot again, followed by Paul too and selling a day as principal for $10k. Cynthia is not exactly pleased but Paul certainly is. Ginny shows up at the band night with her friends, where she breaks the news to them that she’s on birth control. She eventually catches up with Hunter and tells him about the picture, asking why he didn’t say anything. She thinks he doesn’t like her which seems to crush Hunter. Before he can continue, he’s called away to go up on stage. Hunter dedicates a romantic song to Ginny and after, catches up with her properly. Ginny thinks she was being judged but Hunter convinces her that’s not the truth. He admits that she’s hot and the two kiss. Well, that evening she hangs with Hunter but receives a message from Marcus saying hey.

The Episode Review

Is sexting cheating? Would you be annoyed and feel betrayed if your partner was messaging someone else and sending sexy pictures to them? You would? Well, that’s exactly what Ginny has done here. If this was the other way around and Hunter did this to Ginny, I think this show would be taking a very different view on proceedings. As it stands though, it seems like this has just been brushed aside so it’ll be interesting to see if the show doubles back to that incident going forward. Despite that, there’s some nice material that’s sadly shoved aside for this generic love triangle. Abby’s body issues for example, are a much welcome and important inclusion but this episode we really don’t see very much of that at all. On top of the Marcus/Ginny/Hunter triangle we’ve also got Georgia who seems like she’s on course to be wrapped up in a triangle of her own with Paul and Joe. After stealing money from casino night and also from the Sophomore dance, it seems like she’s becoming increasingly bold. Will this blow up in her face?