New Course

The Virus

We’re back with a new mystery to unravel and a lot of returning faces from before. With the course set and all of our players in place, the first episode acts as a foundational piece that introduces all of our characters and the threat ahead. The Barbara de Braganza is in trouble once more and this time, a sickness is spreading onboard. Episode 1 of High Seas Season 3 wastes little time getting right to the heart of the drama. A deadly virus spreads across the ship. Nicolas hurries to find Eva, handing over a precious vial of liquid which is the last we see of this grim glimpse of the future.

Buenos Aires 1948

We then cut back 7 days earlier to Buenos Aires in 1948. Eva looks fondly at her book which is a best-seller in the book store as a strange man approaches and seems to know who she is. When she turns back to speak tio him after signing an autograph, he’s gone. However, he leaves a message for her asking to meet urgently at an Antique store later that day. Eva heads inside and sits down with this smartly dressed man at his desk. His name is Fabio and he’s working as an undercover spy for the British Intelligence,. He needs her help apprehending a man. That man happens to be boarding the Barbara De Baganza. He has a deadly virus that he’s going to release and he’s out of other options for who to turn to. In order to sweeten the deal he tells her Carolina and Pedro will also be there too.

Passports At The Ready

We then cut forward as we see everyone arriving at the boat. Joining the sisters happen to be Diana, a woman bound to a wheelchair and wrapped in bandages following a horrific fire that engulfed her. Mother Carmen is also there too along with their doctor, Ayala. Despite a year and a half passing, some things never change. The Captain is still onboard and Carolina is still in her marriage with Fernando. However, Nicolas is also onboard (but we already knew that from the teasing prologue at the start). Fabio eventually catches up with Eva and introduces her to Steve Taylor who’s heading the operation. He cuts right to the chase and explains they’re looking to arrest Friedrich Untermann whose an Austrian scientist and responsible for developing this virus. With no photos to go on, they do know he’s traveling with a fake French passport and has frequented several different places across the globe. Given Eva’s ties with Fernando, the ship-owner, they task her with breaking in and taking the passports before the ship departs to track the right man. Despite initially refusing, she’s shown photos of what this virus can do and forced to reconsider.

(Un)Happy Reunions

On the way round the ship, Eva and Nicolas find themselves face to face again and there’s obvious tension between them. Especially given Nicolas chose his wife last time out… who also happens to be onboard the ship. That’s to say nothing for Inspector Varela who’s also here too. This is turning into quite the reunion! Meanwhile, Fabio and Eva break into Fernando’s office after she earlier spied the combination over Carolina’s shoulder. As they get searching, they find a man called Jean-Paul who fits their description. He also happened to hold a metal case earlier in the episode when we saw him and may be their man. As we soon see, Diana is actually able to walk and as she stands up, she starts pacing the room. Her and Carmen appear to be up to something, especially given she has a photo of Fabio’s meeting with Eva. Rapping at the door sends Diana back to her bed as Carmen answers and finds Eva introducing them to Veronica, who happens to be their maid for the trip. Hector, a new officer, arrives onboard too but there’s definitely something fishy about him.


The evening festivities get underway and during the celebratory drinks, Eva excuses herself as she notices Jean-Paul at the party. She seizes her opportunity and joins Fabio in breaking into his cabin. With the metal case on the table, Jean-Paul returns and warns them against opening without his guidance. As the lid is lifted, he reveals a golden Aztec statue. He’s a historian and certainly not responsible for the virus. So…if it’s not him then who is it? With over 1000 people on the ship, that could be easier said than done.

The Episode Review

With an intriguing idea surrounding the virus, High Seas continues to cook up decent foundations for the season ahead to grow into. As we’ve seen from the past though, this could easily go awry and rely heavily on supernatural elements like ghosts. There’a a simple “call to action” plot in play here and it’s slightly amusing that all these characters are still hanging around the ship.  Still, the ship has departed now and it looks like we’ve got another intriguing mystery ahead!