Episode Guide

Episode 1 – | Review Score – 1.5/5 Episode 2 – | Review Score – 1.5/5 Episode 3 – | Review Score – 2/5 Episode 4 – | Review Score – 1.5/5 Episode 5 – | Review Score – 3/5 Episode 6 – | Review Score – 2/5 Episode 7 – | Review Score – 2/5 Episode 8 – | Review Score – 1.5/5   There have been some bad shows released this year. From the bland remake of The Stand to whatever the heck The Watch was trying to be, Sky One’s latest sci-fi slop could well be the worst of the bunch. In a time where Asia are dominating the small screen, releasing incredible anime and Korean dramas alike, Intergalactic is a reminder of how far behind Sky is when it comes to original content. Intergalactic isn’t just bad, it’s outright terrible with very few redeeming features. Intergalactic whisks us off to the year 2143, with little exposition or explanation around the world set-up and what’s happening. Instead, we follow promising pilot and golden child Ash as she captures an escaped fugitive called Verona. She’s heralded a hero and her Mother Rebecca couldn’t be prouder. Only, there’s a problem. Ash is caught on camera stealing New Aurum, a rare gem that humanity are currently using as a fuel source. The punishment for this is exile, and despite being set-up by unknown forces, Ash is whisked away onto a prison ship. Named The Hemlock, we soon find out that this ship holds a number of dangerous female convicts – including Verona. Of course, things inevitably go wrong and when the inmates take over the asylum, all hell breaks loose. Ash is whisked off on an adventure with these fugitives and forced to fly as their pilot. Along the way the group stop at a number of different planets where we learn there’s a much larger plot at work here. A terrorist group called the ARC are against the Commonworld’s rule and begin to strike back. However, we only ever see this in snippets as we dart back to Earth at sporadic moments. Instead, what we’re given are a set of one-dimensional characters who jump from one illogical scenario to the next. There’s some rushed romances in here (more on that later), wooden acting and a really bizarre choice to just write a character out the final episode with absolutely no resolution to their arc. In fact, there’s not any resolution to the plot itself either when the final credits roll. Instead, Intergalactic banks on a second season that I would be very surprised to see green-lit on the back of this. I mean, stranger things have happened but this show has more holes than swiss cheese. With the exception of one chapter, the series itself stumbles around various different half-baked ideas without taking the time to properly flesh out the world. There isn’t even any consistent science either. I know this is fiction but seeing a first grade pilot rush outside on an alien planet with no space gear is beyond idiotic. And that’s to say nothing of the final episode flight which I won’t spoil here. This is just the tip of the iceberg though, in a show that throws in a number of semi-interesting ideas without any explanation. Random characters, for example, have augmentations and enhancements but it’s unclear how or why. There are also odd snippets of alien creatures in one episode off-planet but then are never experienced again across any of the biomes the group visit. To make matters worse, every planet the fugitives visit are full of different scruffy-looking humans and a rough outpost. That’s about it. Most of the time the areas have a “skeleton crew”. The result is a show that boasts the breadth of an ocean but the depth of a puddle. There’s absolutely nothing uniquely interesting with anything here and as such, you never get excited to visit a different world. Despite the changing biomes, all of these locations just look like Earth. The biggest problem though comes from the characters. There’s absolutely no development for most of the crew, who all end up in pretty much the same state they started off in. Verona is still selfish and working for her best interests by the end. Ash is still a know-it-all and out of her depth while Tula is still angry and bitter. The only character of note who actually gets a sniff of good development is Candy – and even hers is butchered by the end too. Intergalactic gives you absolutely no reason to stick around for a second season – which is what this series is banking on. And why would you? With so many great sci-fi shows around the globe, Sky One’s latest sci-fi disaster belongs in a galaxy far, far away.

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