Where Is Se-Ju?

After yesterday’s agonizing ending, I found myself searching for the iconic songs playing during some of the earlier episodes. The video above is the beautifully sung “Is You” by Ailee and helps give a bit of a recap for what’s happened between our two lead characters up to this point. It’s absolutely worth checking out too and what a wonderful vocal range this young lady possesses. Memories Of The Alhambra picks up where it left off for an hour of revelations, hidden truths and a glimpse at what’s to come for the future of this Korean drama. Se-Ju’s disappearance becomes much more of a focal point this time around as we learn of his partner Marco and crucial clues leading up to Hee-Joo’s brother disappearing on board the train. All of this builds toward another shocking ending, one that reveals some big clues around what happened to Se-Ju and where the show is headed next. Speaking of which, we begin with a 10 minute segment involving Se-Ju himself. We see parts of the creation process of the game before learning of his partner, Marco, and their relationship as game designers. After some corporate ping-pong with Jin Woo and Hyung-Seok’s companies, it soon becomes apparent that there’s more at stake here than the future of the game. It’s at this point where we skip forward to the important confrontation between Jin Woo and Hee-Joo during those final precious moments yesterday. Jin Woo spills details about what he’s been doing for the past year before disappearing again, leaving Hee-Joo heartbroken and distraught, more determined than ever to find what happened to her brother. While this is ongoing, several other subplots begin to surface and pose some very intriguing and equally dangerous obstacles for Jin Woo to overcome. The Professor cunningly moves on the CEO position, sensing Jin Woo may not be in the right frame of mind to lead the company forward. Hee-Joo spills details of her conversation with Jin Woo to best friend Sang-Bum which inevitably leads to her friend determined to leak the information to the press. All of this while Jin Woo himself deals with his deranged wife Yu-Ra. Thankfully, a surprise package courtesy of some handy investigative work should keep her at bay, at least for a while. Now, it’s worth mentioning at this point that the preview for next week’s episode does reveal a few pretty big plot reveals. For spoiler purposes I won’t divulge them here. For those (like me) who don’t like to know what’s going to happen going forward, as soon as the screen fades to the credits, do yourself a favour and turn it off. The spoilers are a little disappointing and if there’s one fault with the episode it would be this. The last 15 seconds of a 65 minute episode. Every week I sit down to watch Memories Of The Alhambra I keep expecting the writers to slip up and reveal some massive plot hole. Every week I’m proven wrong in the best possible way. The story is so intricately layered, so meticulously crafted and planned out it actually puts a lot of Western dramas to shame. There’s little to no plot holes and the ones that have cropped up over the weeks have quickly been quelled by some offhand remark or revelation. It’s something that really highlights the excellent writing in the show and part of the reason why Memories Of The Alhambra works as well as it does. The augmented reality segments are equally as impressive too, revealing how allied partnerships work in-game and ending with Jin-Woo receiving a special in-game item during the final scenes of the episode. There’s glimmers of romance again between Jin Woo and Hee-Joo with one beautifully tender moment between the two a really welcome inclusion. These faint whispers of romance really help to foreshadow what’s to (hopefully) come between our two lead characters. Se-Ju remains the biggest concern though and going forward Memories Of The Alhambra looks like it’s about to take a dark turn. I for one cannot wait and will be eagerly awaiting next week’s episode.