A Scintillating Conversation About a Lethal Pesticide

Episode 9 of Minx begins with a surreal dream sequence involving Shelly being saved by a stallion. However, that stallion happens to be Lenny as we fade back to present, who happens to be giving her oral. Only, he struggles to bring her to orgasm and chalks this up to an extension of Shelly’s bedroom concerns. Joyce is still reeling from the television gig and is staying over at her Maggie’s house in the Big Apple. She’s also offered a big opportunity, working for a woman named Elayne in a perfect office for a completely different publication. In her absence, Doug and the others deliberate over how they’re going to get Minx published without Joyce. Bambi is understandably unhappy, given her ideas for the centerfold not “feeling like Minx” fall on deaf ears. Interestingly, she instils some dating advice to Shelly, encouraging her to show off her figure and really wow Lenny. Her black dress is a knock-out but Shelly isn’t sure, worried about how she’ll be perceived. However, it doesn’t take long into the photoshoot for Shelly and Bambi to suddenly start kissing. Back in the studio, Billy Brunson heads in for his photo shoot but there’s a problem. He’s aroused, and unfortunately him “standing to attention” isn’t going to go down too well. Doug tries to convince Billy to “let some air out the tyres” but Billy refuses. Joyce finds herself around the New York based people she always wanted to work with. However, she’s in a very different headspace now. She knows that these women who take part in Minx and the other magazines are just like them, and not the “street workers” they perceive them to be. Joyce has a big decision to make and it seems she’s swinging back in favour of Minx. As the episode closes out, Doug finishes the photoshoot with a very erect Billy and waits for the photos to be developed. Tina is there with him too. Doug knows that the magazine isn’t the same without Joyce and he forces a smile.

The Episode Review

Everything is starting to fall apart for Minx, and it’s all derived from the issues between Joyce and Doug’s relationship, which has soured dramatically over these past few episodes. It’s clear now that there’s no Minx without Joyce but also no best-version Joyce without Doug. This symbiotic relationship works really well to flesh out both players, and everything here is left precariously on a knife-edge for the final episode. Minx has been a really refreshing slice of comedic drama and the ending certainly hints that we’ve got one heck of a finale on our hands. Thanks to HBO releasing two episodes a week, we don’t have to wait too long to find out what happens next.