Track Listing

Straight to Hell All My Life Goodbye Ordinary Man feat. Elton John Under the Graveyard Eat Me Today Is The End Scary Little Green Men Holy For Tonight It’s A Raid feat. Post Malone Take What You Want feat. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott   “I don’t wanna be an ordinary man”, Well Ozzy, ordinary you are not. From fronting Black Sabbath all those years ago and pioneering the heavy metal sound, to guest starring in films and making his small screen debut in the absolutely bonkers but record-breaking reality show The Osbournes, Ozzy Osbourne has done a lot in his career. Fast forward to 2020 and this living legend bows out his musical career with one final hurrah; a celebratory album that highlights the highs and lows, with some stand-out tracks and a couple of throwaway forgettable ones too. Individually, the tracks themselves are perfectly fine, with some nice guitar solos and a few well-placed genre mash-ups for good measure. Where Ordinary Man shines however, is when you listen to this as a straight forward start-to-finish listen, depicting a really strong musical journey. Several tracks here, including ‘All My Life’ and ‘Under The Graveyard’ are reflective, poignant records that examine Ozzy’s rise to fame with Black Sabbath while ‘Ordinary Man”s surprise collaboration with Elton John stands out as one of the best tracks on the album. By contrast to these more upbeat ventures are a variety of harder tracks like ‘Eat Me’ and ‘Scary Little Green Men’, that give the album a much harder edge that boast a multifaceted listen that should please fans of both styles. The album isn’t perfect though, and in a bid to try and please everyone there’s a lot of variety to the genres that may put some people off. Picking the weakest track on Ordinary Man is a difficult call because it’ll inevitably differ from person to person depending on your taste in rock. There’s enough to like with this one though, making for an enjoyable listen, with some good mixing and a solid track placement that allows the album to fly through a medley of different rock variations. All of this ends with a couple of collaborative efforts with Post Malone and Travis Scott. Overall though, 2020 Ozzy Osbourne is not going to ignite and innovative the rock scene. This is quite simply a celebratory look at a man that’s achieved so much in his career, serving as a reminder that Ozzy Osbourne will never be ordinary and certainly isn’t a man that’s going to be forgotten in a hurry.  

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Ordinary Man   Ozzy Osbourne   Album Review   The Review Geek - 73