Dawn Raid

Episode 10 of Partner Track begins with Ingrid bemoaning her luck and incredulously wondering how she didn’t make partner. She’s a mess and it’s only made worse when Z rings her and points out that Ted has shut down Green Tech.

Does Ingrid get another job?

Jeff shows up and suggests Ingrid get back in the saddle again and find somewhere else to work. Jeff has officially moved out of the hotel and has himself a one bedroom apartment. Ingrid hugs him tightly when she learns he’s staying in New York… but she’s shocked to learn that it’s actually Christmas. Back home, Ingrid breaks the news that she’s quit Valentine’s. Her parents are not happy, with her father suggesting she apologize and get her job back. Ingrid immediately turns her nose up at that idea and heads upstairs to sulk and cool off. Lina, of all people, manages to get through to her sister, pointing out how inspirational she is and how she’s always wanted to be like her. At the office, Rachel is surprised to see the new and improved Wujay before her. She’s taken control of Fun Time Farm and managed to straighten out everything and get her career back on track. She’s now going by the name of Wanda Jean too. However, she has something of a legal crisis on her hands. She could be on the verge of losing the park, given she’s been caught on camera having sex with one of the employees.

Does Rachel help out Wanda and stop the lawsuit?

Rachel heads out and immediately snaps a picture with the squirrel mascot on the street, the man responsible for snapping those incriminating pics of Wanda. Rachel is quick to point out this is a breach of his contract, making a quick buck off people walking past. After snapping a selfie for evidence, Rachel demands he stop what he’s doing. The man shrugs it off so Rachel tries a different tactic. It turns out the guy wants to be a pilot so she decides to help him out. In exchange for 50k toward flight lessons and flexible hours, he needs to drop the lawsuit. And he happily agrees to those terms. Meanwhile, Ingrid messages Tyler and asks to meet. Ingrid feels like this is the real deal and she’s truly found the right person. She also apologizes profusely about what’s happened with Parsons Valentine and Marty. While they sit together, they contemplate whether to take Out “a man” to get some retribution. And that man happens to be Ted Lassiter. With Z’s help, Ingrid pitches the idea of Min Enterprises working with NewLeaf to oust Ted via a shareholder block. She’s determined to make things right and they all work together to take out Ted. They need a 50.1% share in order to convince the board, so it calls for a group effort. And that group includes Rachel, Tyler and Justin.

What happens at the shareholder meeting?

In order to get the numbers up, Rachel decides to make a big play, with Wanda Jean Weaver buying up 2% of Suncorp share, which pushes them over the threshold. It turns out the Shareholder meeting has a big clause whereby anyone with a 2% share or more has to vote in person. It’s touch and go for a while, as Rachel rushes around to find Wanda, but she shows up just in time to cast her vote. Ted Lassiter is out and Franklin Min takes over as acting chair. Only, he turns the CEO position to his son Z in a really lovely touch. After the big coup, Jeff speaks to Ingrid and calls her brilliant… and bonkers. He also tells her he loves her for it. Meanwhile, Rachel has signed up for a playwriting course at the theatre while Tyler is going into business with Valdo…despite sleeping with the CEO.

How does Partner Track season 1 end?

As the episode closes out, Marty calls Ingrid over and promises to have her disbarred from every law firm in town. However, Z interjects and makes his position very clear. If Parsons Valentine is interested in continuing business, he wants Ingrid as their relationship partner. Furthermore, Parsons must implement a real diversity program all the way up to partner level. However, now we get the real reason Ingrid didn’t make partner. It’s nothing to do with her ethnicity. It was actually to do with her stint in jail. She never bothered to tell the firm what happened, properly, and she didn’t mention that she needed the firm (ie. Jeff) to bail her out. Despite his promise, Jeff actually told him what happened. Shock horror, he betrayed her.

The Episode Review

It turns out there was a valid reason for Ingrid not being made partner after all, and it was her lying and trying to cover up going to prison. Now, naturally Ingrid could have just told Marty what happened and it may have gone smoothly but lying like that and operating behind his back, I can kinda see where he’s coming from. At the same time though, hiring Dan as partner after his racist comments? Yeah, that’s not a good look. I really don’t want to say “I told you so” to Ingrid but… I told you so. Ingrid foolishly believing Jeff had turned a new leaf was always going to end in misery. We know that he’s manipulative and cutthroat, and Ingrid has fallen headfirst into his trap, given he managed to leapfrog her for position of partner. The ending does certainly open things up for an intriguing second season though should this one be renewed. Based on what’s here, I’d imagine this is going to be a pretty popular show. It’s easy to get into and certainly has some likable characters. They’re deeply flawed and in some ways a little too self-centered and arrogant, but the little twists at the end and the character arcs have at least been well fleshed out. This is certainly not going to set the small screen alight but it is a very watchable show all the same, setting things up nicely for a potential sequel.