Quentin rebranded the family business and opened hotels in different locations across the world. Unfortunately, due to Covid in 2020, the company took a big hit and most locations closed down. Shelby left the Real Housewives franchise and launched a fashion brand. Lance and his family still remember Mia. After retiring Lance tried out a few things, he opened a car-sale company and tried hosting a sports show and it didn’t go well.  To be fair, it wasn’t as bad as his acting in a perfume advertisement. Jordan advises him to find something he is actually passionate about and redefine his purpose.


Harper is now a best-selling author and his book series is a huge success but he wants to explore a new type of writing. He is also planning on leaving Harlem and moving to an apartment uptown.  He is yet to tell Robyn this plan though. He finally tells her and shows her the luxury apartment that he wants them to move in. Robyn is not sold on the idea. She doesn’t want to leave behind the community she has grown to love in Harlem. She is also concerned that this is a big change for the family and wants more time to think about it. He later visits her at her kitchen office and their talk about the house doesn’t go well. Robyn is not sure why Harper wants to move and is always chasing more even when they are happy. Candace is going to school and is working on a paper about plant-based medicine but her advisor is not on the same page. She is however excited to be accepted into Dr Temple’s class. He is her academic hero and she is looking forward to learning from him. Juggling school and parenting have been hard and Murch has been helping her by picking up the slack. Lance’s son is working as an intern in Jordan’s office. Lance drops by to pick him up and take him to a football training session. Jordan also has work-related problems that she is working on. She has to make sure the new sure that she is producing will be a success. She gets a call from Shelby and she learns she is being dragged on Black Twitter for cancelling a beloved show. At the ladies’ book reading club, Shelby tries to have Jordan back and wants her to hit back at the haters. Candace points out that Jordan might be in the wrong for not saving the show when it was a big part of the Black culture. Jordan says she tried her best to save the show and is making a new talk show with four black women hosting it. She has three hosts figured out but she doesn’t know who fits the fourth slot. As she watches, Shelby make her points about the book they are currently covering, she realizes Shelby will be perfect for the position. A few days later, Lance calls Jordan and shares his frustration about getting something he is passionate about. She sends him a link to a podcast and tries to focus on her job The guys meet later to play cards and they share their concerns with each other. Harper tells them about his dream to branch out and write something else. Quentin advises him to stay the same, he is still reeling from how Covid affected his company. Lance shares he is yet to find his purpose and wants more to do other than raising the kids. The first taping of Jordan’s new show doesn’t go as well as she expected. The higher-ups think she should fire Shelby as the audience might have trouble relating to her. She decides to have a talk with Shelby and asks her to show a new side of herself. Shelby is scared but Quentin assures her that she is capable of so much. They re-do the shoot and Shelby comes off differently and relatable. Meanwhile, Harper hears from his agent that the directors adapting his book want to make changes to the Murch character. The agent asks him not to worry about it, they are just minor changes. They discuss his new book and Harper insists he wants to try a new concept. His agent asks him to rethink his decision as the publishers have already made an offer for the continuation of his successful book series. The money they are offering is enough to set him up for life. Harper seeks advice from Jordan and she tells him to follow his heart and write whatever he wants. He later goes home and finds Robyn and his daughter Mia have not gotten there yet. He gets a call telling him that Robyn has been arrested. She was at a rally and got arrested. Harper is angry that Mia saw her mom get arrested and they get into a fight. She later comes across Harper’s latest work and the words move her. She agrees to move into the new apartment and Harper is elated. He calls his agent and notifies him that he will be writing a new book with a new concept. Lance gets a revelation while watching sports news and decides he wants to go back to playing. He makes an announcement on his social media shocking everyone. Jordan goes out to celebrate her new show being picked up and has a run-in with an old flame, Demetrius.

The Episode Review

A lot has happened through the years from 2015 to 2021. The gang went through it all, from Trump to Covid and so much more. However, they are still as tight as ever and levelling up in their respective fields. It is a good thing to see. Lance trying to find his purpose is relatable. As much as parenting is fulfilling, there is a need to find something outside of it to complete us.  For a man who is so driven, it is understandable why he is having a hard time after retiring. However, I don’t think going back to playing professional football is the way forward.

The Best Man  The Final Chapters   Episode 3  Brown Girl Dreaming   Recap   Review - 13