Ulrich and Elizabeth

1st January 2000

Episode 9 of The Twelve begins with Stefan awakening next to Fri in the bathroom and finding a pregnancy test. He brings this up with Britt and learns for the first time that she’s pregnant. Stefan questions whether the baby is his, especially given the affair she’s currently having with the Professor, and eventually leaves. Fri however, overhears everything from the hallway.

Before Court – Day 9

Delphine video calls her kids but Mike refuses to talk to her. Instead, she says her goodbyes and prepares for court. Fabrice meanwhile arrives at Noel’s house and questions him. When he brings up Noel’s addiction however, he slams the door in the reporter’s face. With the jury verdict looming on the horizon, Marc approaches Spaak and reveals the left-handed video, which is eventually agreed to be used in court. At the same time, Yuri reveals to Bjorn that he’s told Holly the truth about what happened with the Brazilian construction worker. Marc Vogel’s affair with Inge is also leaked to the press and with it, the court question just how this is going to play out going forward. Because of this, Inge is forced to withdraw from the investigation and her colleague takes her place.

The Courtroom – Day 9

Professor Steel takes to the stand next and admits to having an affair with Britt. Ironically, his topic of teaching happens to Ethics. Spaak questions him and he admits they had a six-month time limit on their affair. Britt always bemoaned her Father given he appeared to control every aspect of her life. It’s here the jury hear for the first time that Professor Steel was the Father of Britt’s baby. While they take a short recess to process this information, Yuri and Holly discuss the case. He doesn’t trust Stefan and believes there’s definitely something more to this story than we’ve been led to believe. Next up is a cinema worker who confirms that Stefan wasn’t there when the lights came back up at the end of the film. Because of this devastating revelation, Stefan is called back to the witness stand. He changes his story and admits to the courtroom he saw “most” of the movie before leaving. Spaak then shows the court the video of him cutting the cake with his left hand. Stefan is clearly frazzled and pleads with the jury to lock Fri away indefinitely.

After Court – Day 9

Following this bombshell reveal, all of our various jury members head home. Arnold oversees the monkey being put in a box en-route to Berlin while Holly confronts Yuri and admits she was there the night her parents were murdered. She wasn’t partying the whole time and actually got home just before midnight. She tried to save her parents who were tied up but when men returned to the house,  she hid and didn’t know what else to do. This is when she heard the gunshots that took their life. While she walks away from him, tears stinging her eyes, Delphine stands firm and confronts Mike about his attitude. She admits to staying at Noel’s house and not a hotel. Unfortunately just as she does, Mike snaps and holds her up against the wall by her throat.

The Review Write-Up

Delphine has certainly been through the wars with Mike and their toxic relationship is almost certainly going to spill over into something dangerous next episode. Alongside that, the longer this court case goes on for, the more guilty Stefan appears to be. There’s a lot of secrets and hidden truths he’s been concealing from the court and as we’ve seen throughout this season, he’s definitely no stranger to lying. Quite what decision the jury will come to remains to be seen but one thing’s for sure – this finale is going to be an unmissable episode!