Two Summers To Forget

It’s been a long, drawn-out summer, both in the past and present, for our characters. Finally, all the drama and pent-up frustrations come to a head as we finally come to understand what happened in both timelines.

What is Luk’s role in all this?

Last episode we learned that Luk’s child, Jen, is actually Peter’s. Luk is sterile and unable to have kids, a secret that Lia has been keeping from him this whole time. Meanwhile, Luk’s camera was used to film the incident, with Luk replacing the tape in the camera with another. Unknown to Peter, Stef and Didier though, who destroy the videotape and believe their ordeal is over. When Luk found out, it caused a chain reaction as he told Lia, who in turn showed Sofie the video, who then asked Romee for advice. Saskia ended up becoming part of this whole ordeal, as they worked together.

Who is the blackmailer?

Episode 6 of Two Summers starts with us finally getting some answers, as the event from the start of episode 1 are re-framed with everything we’ve learned so far. Peter is in the bathroom and Romee sends the incriminating message, blackmailing Peter and asking for 100 Bitcoin. Back on the island in our present timeline, Luk continues to deal with the bombshell reveal in his relationship. Namely that he’s not Jen’s father and that accolade unfortunately belongs to Peter. We also learn that Lia used to be a sex worker and Didier was one of her clients back then. After a few times she stopped taking his requests. He was never aggressive with her but she didn’t like the way it made her feel so she stopped. Of course, when they saw each other on the island again after all these years, it causes no end of issues.

Is the blackmailer revealed?

While the boys have all been concerned and whispering all season long about who could be spreading the video, the girls too have had their issues. Namely that of Saskia and Lia deciding they should stop this obsession of boys VS girls. Saskia has a good thing going with Stef and doesn’t want to ruin that because of what happened 30 years back. With everything starting to spill out into the open, Didier decides to open up and reveal the truth at dinner that day. As they show up and gather round the table, Saskia is noticeably absent. Romee leads them all inside the house… where the videotape is playing on the TV for all to see. Peter scrambles to turn it off, as the party spills over to the balcony once more to finally air out all these issues. There, Peter fumbles with his words, claiming that Sofie “wanted this” and tries to justify his heinous actions. This obviously riles everyone up , with Didier trying to pass the blame off to Mark, who’s obviously dead.

Is the truth about Jen revealed?

The situation involving Jen spills out as well, with a frustrated Luk confronting Saskia about sleeping with Peter. This has a chain reaction of causing Romee to lose her temper too, eventually telling the group that she’s sent the video off to the three largest press agencies, including Belga. This is actually a lie, as we find out, but the damage is done. Peter and Romee break up while Lia and Luk’s relationship hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Mowgli commits suicide down by the shore, which sends ripples across the whole group and sends another dark cloud over the island for the weekend. With everything out in the open, we jump forward once more to the interviews, as the investigator promises to be in touch with whether this will turn into a criminal case or not.

How does Two Summers end?

All of our characters receive letters in the post with their verdict, and each of our main cast react in their own ways. They’ve all received court summons for the impending criminal trial. Now, given Sofie earlier told the investigator, Salima, that she doesn’t want to press charges, the clear relief in reading her letter with Didier seems to be indicative that this is not going to be taken any further.   Read More: Two Summers Season 1 Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of Two Summers’ ending? Do you think the ending was a satisfying one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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